What's Your Story?
Psychotherapy is the untangling of the threads of our individual stories from our personal tapestry.
I work with a range of issues from stress, anxiety, and depression; addictions; trauma; burn-out and self-esteem matters; couples and family therapy and generalised life crises. I can also help with family members, friends and colleagues who are looking for help and support as they are affected by or looking to help with another person’s mental health and addiction challenges.
Simply put, together we can unpack what has happened, sift through the residual feelings and then find a way forward that fits.
My story:
I was born in Sri Lanka and my parents moved to the Wirral when I was a young child. After school, I went to the London School of Economics and gained my first degree in Economics and Geography. After various jobs, including a role as Picture Researcher for Friends of the Earth in London, I worked in the BBC for 12 years, working in Television Centre in Broadcasting and Presentation, Transmission and then in the Senior Management Team.
My own arc of recovery then brought me to the field of psychotherapy and counselling 16 years ago. After my psychotherapy training, I taught therapy on the diploma courses in Richmond and West Thames Adult Education Colleges.
I was awarded a Master's degree in Psychoanalysis and Culture from the Tavistock and Portman and this deepened my interest in looking at life through the lens of the unconscious.
My first therapy job was with the Rehabilitation of Prisoners Trust in HMP Coldingley. Later, I worked in the Priory Hospital, Roehampton for 7 years and my last job with them was the Manager of the Addiction Treatment Programme.
In 2017 I set up my private practice in Mayfair – The Bond Street Practice. I see patients face-to-face in Bond Street and online. I worked for Cottonwood Tucson, Arizona and continue to run a weekly alumni group for them.
I am the Business Development Manager, Europe, for White River Manor in South Africa and run a hybrid weekly alumni group – in person and online. I am delighted to be associated with White River Manor and with the other organisations I have been privileged to work for.
I have facilitated well over 16,000 hours of therapy for patients and this experience is invaluable for my work and has also enriched my life. I am a Member of the BACP and am in personal therapy and supervision myself, as I feel this is the ethical and safe way in which to practice.

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Patient Testimonials